Monday, August 17, 2009

What is Jeopardy?

An awesome game show that I’ve recently rediscovered!

I used to watch it religiously when I was younger, mainly because my grandma always watched it along with Wheel of Fortune. You know that scene in She’s All That where the dad blurts out random answers while watching Jeopardy? Yeah, that was me and my grandma. Hell, it’s still me now. Although, sometimes I do surprise myself when I get one right—like the Final Jeopardy question on Friday. And the only reason I got it right was because I watched The Tudors. Who knew TV could make me smarter?

The minute European History went up, my first thought was, “Ha! I’d bet zero. That’s soooo not my subject.” My second thought was, “Wouldn’t it be funny if the answer was Henry VIII?” And it was! The clue was something about citing Levitcus’ “ If a man shall take his brother’s wife, it is an unclean thing…” in his divorce. Of course, anyone would have guessed him because he’s the most famous king to ever ask for a divorce, but this time I actually knew my answer was correct. Don’t you just love that feeling? OK, I’ll stop being a geek now.

BTW…Jeopardy is in the middle of its college tournament and a Mizzou girl made it to the semi-finals. I guess we all know who I’ll be rooting for this week. :)

Back to The Tudors…The other night I was looking at the official site and noticed the “Who the Tudor Are You?” section. So, wanting to know which one I was, I took the quiz. The little meter thing at the end was such a stupid tease. Just like The Price is Right wheel, "The Great Chain of Being" pointer leads you to believe you’re a Queen before dropping the bomb and telling you who you really are in the hierarchy. What did mine land on, you ask?

Yes, you read that right. I would have been a nun during the time of King Henry VIII. Here’s the official description:

Well done, Sister. Unlike the vast majority of the population, you’re morally pure, relatively well educated and, more importantly, you’re not horrendously filthy. Unfortunately, the price you pay for this cleanliness is a life of celibacy and constant prayer. You’re the closest thing to a nurse in your community, but if a rewarding life tending to the sick isn’t for you, don’t worry; King Henry is about to tear down all the nunneries and kick you out onto the streets. A life of chastity increases your lifespan, though, at your age, you can expect to live for another 23 years.

Get thee to a nunnery my ass! Whatever. Stupid quiz.


  1. I just rediscovered Jeopardy too! It's awesome to the know the answer--you really do feel smarter. Of course, it could be just me rationalizing my TV habits, hoping that a year-long unemployment spell hasn't completely turned my brain to mush.

  2. Also: I love that you're a nun. hee.

    (stupid quizzes!!)
