Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Losing My Mind

I originally wanted to put up a post detailing my weekend in DC, but that will have to wait for a later time, perhaps this weekend. Right now I'm exhausted and really dreading going to work tomorrow. Yesterday I was scanning the web for news/gossip to put on our Twitter and Facebook pages when one of the sites I clicked on decided to make my computer download a virus. I didn't close out the window fast enough and now I'm stuck with a stupid redirect virus I can't get rid of. Why doesn't the tech guy deal with it, you ask? Better yet--why didn't my computer have the necessary anti-virus software? Let's just say our tech guy can't be bothered with such trivial things. I have a few more tricks to try tomorrow and if those don't work I'm throwing in the towel and forcing tech guy to help me out.

I really don't need this pain-in-the-butt inconvenience at work especially because we're supposed to redesign and migrate our entire site in two months. Ummm...what? How my boss thought this was a good idea or even possible is beyond my understanding. So, on top of maintaining and updating our current site, I have to chip in and help organize the new site. If you've ever participated in a site redesign/migration, then you understand the scope of the project and how massive it really is to tackle. It kind of makes your head want to explode. I can already feel it starting in my head.

Anyway, after a long day of working and fighting with my computer, I finally made it home only to realize I'd left my keys in my condo. For those of you keeping track, this would be the fourth time since I moved into this place and the second time in the past six months. I see a direct correlation between stress and forgetfulness. Normally I keep a spare in my bag and at work, but I forgot to put the spare back in my bag and I didn't realize I was locked out until I left work. So there I was, standing in front of my building in the cold and trying to muster enough energy to go through the motions of getting myself inside my home. Once I finally walked through the door it was already 8:30--so much for having a productive evening. I'm surprised I even made dinner/lunch for tomorrow.

Now I'm going to answer a couple of emails, maybe watch Modern Family or read a chapter or two, and hit the hay. I'm mentally exhausted and about to lose my mind. I need to find a way out of this insane asylum I call my job--ASAP.