Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day

Guess who's working from home today? Me! Here's the view from my bedroom window:

When I looked out the window this morning, the commute into the city seemed doable, but I didn't want to risk having a horrible commute home. So I stayed home. This is so much better! I've got my laptop fired up, a hot cup of tea and my TV keeping me company. If I'm feeling adventurous later maybe I'll step outside and take a few pics. Work should always be like this. Sigh...


  1. Lucky you being all safe and warm in your house! I was worried about you with what sounded like a potentially dangerous commute on the radio this morning, so am very glad you didn't have to brave the blizzard. xoxo

  2. I thought about being stupid for about a minute this morning, then I came to my senses. :)
