Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 Task #2: Rearrange Bedroom

For some bizarre reason I decided to take on this task over the weekend. Saturday evening I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I realized I was bored with my bedroom setup. I immediately started moving boxes, pushing furniture and vacuuming dust balls hidden behind and under the furniture.

So, because of this little project, all the crap that was hidden away in my bedroom is now sprawled out in the living room. I thought about moving things back in my room last night, but I decided against it. I figured the clutter would force me to go through all my stuff and get rid of the things I didn't need anymore.

So how do I feel about this new room? I like it. It feels brand new even though everything in it has been around for years. Although, my body was a little confused this morning. It's so used to running on automatic pilot when I'm half asleep that it kind of short circuited when it realized everything had moved. It'll adjust soon enough. Unfortunately, I didn't take any before pics so I can't really do a before and after comparison. Once everything is put away in its rightful place then maybe I'll snap a few shots.


  1. No no no. Move everything into its original position, take the "before" photos, then move it back into the new position and take the "after" pics. Simple. See, what would you do without me?

  2. Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Let me just go ahead and break my back moving everything around again for that pic. The best you're gonna get is a "before" sketch.

  3. The big question is did any of the pictures get hung?
