Friday, November 6, 2009

Not in a Party Mood

I knew it was happening today, but I didn't think it was a good enough reason to take the day off and stay home--even though I have a million and one vacation days. So I decided to brave the commute and the sea of pinstripes to get some work done today. I should have reconsidered that plan.

My first indicator that things were not going to go well was at the bus stop. There were people there bundled up in every piece of Yankees clothing they could find, slutty fans who re-purposed their Yankees gear into more revealing outfits, adults who probably called in sick and kids cutting school. It seemed like every bus was more crowded than usual for a Friday at 9 a.m.

When I got into the city, the subway at 42nd wasn't too bad. I could tell there were some people trying to make their way downtown for the parade, but it wasn't insanely crowded. It was a completely different story when our train pulled into the 34th St. station. As the train slowed, all I could see was a see of Yankee fans and I knew they were all getting on my train. The minute the doors opened a huge crowd of them filed in, forcing me to flatten myself like a pancake against the door. I was never so glad to get off at my stop. I practically had to push people aside just to exit. The woman behind me got so annoyed she started to yell "Excuse me!" at the top of her lungs.

I thought I would have a little more breathing room once I stepped out of the train. Nope, I just ran into a huge mass of fans at the Metrocard machines. Once I surfaced on the street, it was basically the same scenario. The only place I could find refuge was in our office. Then, lunch came around. One of our former employees came by to visit so we went to a local BBQ place where, as you'd expect, were a million fans watching the parade on the many TVs in the joint. I felt like I was stuck in a Yankees nightmare. I'm surprised I even survived the day.

I'm not saying the Yankees and their fans don't have a right to celebrate. They played well and in the end they were the best team. Plus, it's about time the most expensive team ever created won a championship. I say party hard--enjoy it!

I just should have stayed home.


  1. If I was on your train that would have been me screaming at people so I could get me it has happened before.

  2. I don't doubt that, and I could totally see it. In fact, I thought you were the one behind me. Hehe :)
