Friday, November 20, 2009

Does the Tooth Fairy Take Wisdom Teeth?

You know how you'd put your baby teeth under your pillow and the tooth fairy would take it and leave you money? Well, I wonder how much she'd leave for wisdom teeth.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

I've been putting off yanking out my wisdom teeth for quite some time now--probably a decade--and have finally scheduled an appointment to get them removed in exactly one week. So I better eat everything I can on Thanksgiving, because I'm only going to be able to eat mush for the rest of the holiday weekend. Happy Thanksgiving to me!

I don't really trust doctors and there's some anxiety here only because I've heard a million horror stories about wisdom teeth extractions. Everything from the IV slipping out and the person regaining consciousness during the procedure to getting the wrong tooth pulled. How any of that is possible, I'm not quite sure. So, I made it very clear to this man all my concerns and hangups.

What sucks is that when I made this appointment I didn't know the office had two oral surgeons, so instead of getting the one my coworker recommended I got his partner. Some of his reviews have been glowing and others were negative. I tried to switch at the office, but they assured me he was just as good (of course), so I decided to give him a chance. He seemed nice, competent and he didn't give me attitude when I got all crazy on him with my questions. Instead of prolonging the inevitable, I just gave in and made the appointment for next Friday.

With all four teeth being pulled I'm sure my face is going to swell up to twice its size. Even better--I decided to skip the anesthesia and go with the novacaine and laughing gas cocktail. I always thought I'd be one of those patients to be put under, but there's something about it that doesn't sit well with me. Plus my insurance won't cover it, so that pretty much helped me make the decision.

So, until this actually happens I anticipate a few anxiety headaches and an increase in my blood pressure. The only thing that's making me feel better about this whole thing is that maybe it will help alleviate all my other ailments like the jaw cracking and headaches. The doctor did notice how loud my jaw was and seemed slighly taken aback by it, which is the normal response from everyone. After this I may need to get fitted for a mouth guard. He said that over time it could get to the point where I can't open my mouth that wide...and cue the dirty jokes.

By the way, did you know that an impacted top tooth could move up into your sinus cavity if a cyst develops around it? Yeah, I didn't, but now I do. So I'm making sure that sucker gets yanked.


  1. Godspeed during your dental drama! I know what you're going through. If it makes you feel any better, I can share a positive wisdom extraction experience...I too was awake, and just numbed. I wore a headset and listened to music through the whole thing and it was fine. I only felt a bit of pressure when the doctor would move my head around to get in there. But I think the medicine affected me because I felt a bit of pressure and saw the doctor make a pulling motion...then I heard (or thought I heard) something fall on the other side of the room. So, I imagined he yanked out my tooth and it went flying across the room...which made me totally laugh! Seriously. Good meds! You will be fine. Just think of all the ice cream and milkshakes and applesauce you want! :)

  2. Thank you for your funny story! The coworker who had hers pulled a few weeks ago actually clapped when they pulled her teeth out. I'm hoping my meds are as good as yours and that I end up finding the whole thing amusing. Although, my friend and sister are conspiring to get video or photos of me acting goofy. Can you feel the love? :)

    I did stock up on pudding, ice cream and other mushy foods, which I'm kind of looking forward to eating while I watch TV/movies. At least this gives me a good excuse to do absolutely nothing.
