Saturday, September 19, 2009

Puppy Love

My sister sent me a crapload of puppy pictures this week, so I thought I'd share them here:

It's Ninja Bruce!

What are you looking at?

I'm soooooo tired.

Ahhhhhhhh...nice pillow.

That's one big mothereffin Toblerone!

Little Bruce cracks me up. My sister also sent me a pretty funny video of them playing...well, Bruce taunting Mocha and Mocha growling at Bruce.

About two weeks ago we had a little scare with Mocha. For some reason she was breathing harder than usual so my sister decided to take her to the vet. At first they thought she had a collapsed lung, so we started preparing for the worst-case scenario. Thinking that she wasn't going to make it through the night, we all kind of got ourselves ready to say goodbye. But when the radiologist finally looked at the X-rays, he said that she didn't have a collapsed lung. Apparently there was fluid in her lungs signaling the beginning of pneumonia. So my family decided to leave her at the animal hospital overnight where they continued to pump her with medication and oxygen. The next day my sister took her home, watched her and kept her medicated. Within a few days she was her old self again, as you can tell by the pics.

As a kid I never had pets except for a good amount of goldfish, which always died the same week I got them, and three parakeets. When the parakeets died I was a little sad, but that didn't compare to how I felt about the thought of Mocha going away. It's funny how these furry little creatures can wiggle their way into your heart without you even knowing it. Before my sister brought these two home I never in a million years would have wanted a Chihuahua--didn't really like them at all. But now, I can't imagine going home and not having them there to greet me with their excited snorts and wagging tails.

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