Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bits & Pieces of This & That

Every day I come across things I find interesting or trigger random thoughts in my head, so I thought I'd share a few of them here to make room for some new ones.

New Online Distraction: Polyvore.com
One of the blogs I read regulary is by Bethany Joy Galeotti, an actress on One Tree Hill. I'm a huge fan of her personal style--it's quirky yet feminine, classic yet edgy, comfortable yet pretty damn cool, at least in my eyes. One of the things I love about her style is how she personalizes her pieces to create something that's one-of-a-kind. In one of her posts she talked about buying a necklace from a popular retail store and transforming it into something personal and unique. Yesterday she posted a collage and I noticed it was created on Polyvore. I'd heard of it before but never took the time to explore. Well, after two minutes on the site I'd already signed up and started creating my own inspiration board. I had so much fun. It reminded me of actual boards I created for my interior design classes back in the day. I've already created two more! Here's a look at My Sweet Dreams Seaside Bungalow and The Summer Look I Wish I Could Pull Off.

My Sweet Dreams Seaside Bungalow

My Sweet Dreams Seaside Bungalow on Polyvore.com

Orange & Turquoise Summer

Orange & Turquoise Summer on Polyvore.com

Pleasantly Surprised Me: Ice Loves Coco
I admit it, I judged this couple based on what I saw on the outside, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out I was completely wrong. After watching the first few eps of their reality show, I have to say that they have one of the healthiest relationships I've seen on reality TV--and even in reality. They understand what a marriage means and they do what they need to do to make it work. I know you can't believe everything you see on TV, especially when it's reality TV, but their relationship doesn't give me the fake vibe. They talk about supporting one another and loving each other, but you also see that they have their disagreements like any other couple. At the end of the day, they know what really matters and they've somehow managed to keep it together for all these years.

Made Me Geek Out a Little: Green Lantern
I watched it this weekend and loved it. When I started to get my feet wet in the world of comics, I discovered there was a comic book writer that was being praised for giving new life to DC Comics characters that weren't as well known and beloved as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. One of those characters was the Green Lantern. I didn't end up reading the comic books, but my research did lead me to others he'd written that I really liked. As I became a fan of Geoff Johns, it was hard not to become familiar with the Green Lantern Corps, so when the movie came out I felt I needed to show my support and watch it. It didn't hurt that Ryan Reynolds was the lead, but as the movie progressed, I found myself appreciating the meaning behind the Green Lantern. Most people, like myself, wouldn't think much about a superhero with a lantern, but I definitely changed my tune after this movie. The lantern and its power are awesome.

Totally Craving: The Buttery Bakery
About two weeks ago I went to Santa Cruz for my cousin's graduation. While I was there I visited an old friend and asked her if she knew where I could get a graduation cake. Without hesitation she recommended The Buttery. Wow, that place is amazing! I had one of their fruit tarts and a macaroon--both so yummy. Although their signature chocolate cake, which is what we ordered for my cousin, was simply amazing. We had them add fresh strawberries to the buttercream filling, and that only made it even more perfect. I'm drooling just thinking about. Wish I had a picture of the slice, but this one will have to do.

Interesting Read: The California Dream is fizzling out
I came across this article on CNN.com and as I started reading it I found myself thinking about the Orange County, California, I knew growing up. Sadly, it barely exists anymore. The orange groves that lined Irvine Blvd. and the smell of strawberries in the summer air are now gone and have been replaced by strip malls and housing developments. I'm no stranger to change--I know it's inevitable--but it's still hard to see pieces of my childhood disappear each time I go back for a visit.