I was looking at my iTunes library, and I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of playlist my iTunes DJ could come up with today. Take a look:
Use Somebody—Kings of Leon
Don’t Waste Your Heart—Dixie Chicks
I’m Only Me When I’m with You—Taylor Swift
Little Children—Everly
Smells Like Teen Spirit—Nirvana
Everything You Want—Vertical Horizon
Take a Bow—Lea Michele from Glee
So What Does It All Mean—Gould & Fitzgerald West
Selah—Lauren Hill
You and I Both—Jason Mraz
Mexico—James Taylor
Hmmm, an odd collection of songs. There were two more, but the Christmas song and classical piece only made this list look even more random. Let’s see, of the 13 songs listed here, I’ve only listened to seven in their entirety. Can you guess which ones?
To keep me posting on a more regular basis, I think I’ll make this a weekly thing. Happy Music Monday!