Monday, July 5, 2010

What’s in a Dream?

Last week was the week of anxiety dreams. I’m not sure exactly what triggered them, but they were very vivid and made me wake up way before my alarm.

In one of them my teeth were falling out. I was talking to someone, I believe I was trying to help a guy who looked like one of the football players on Friday Night Lights, when my teeth just started falling out. At first my tongue pushed against my bottom teeth and shifted them. I tried to push them back into place, but I was just pushing them more out of position. Before I knew it my teeth were falling into my hands, but my hands didn’t look like my hands. They were these old, wrinkled hands with bony fingers, which were basically skin and bone. The minute I woke up I checked to see if my teeth were still in my mouth. It seemed way too real.

Then on another night I had a dream that a married guy, who looked like Tom Welling at times and some guy I knew in high school named George Park at other times, kept trying to get me to go out with him. Sadly, even in my dreams it’s impossible for me to be the bad girl. No matter how much I wanted him, the only thought that kept running through my head was that he was married. I woke up feeling annoyed with myself for not just going for what I wanted, even in a dream.

I can no longer remember the other dreams that plagued me last week, but I suppose that’s a good thing. Even in sleep I seem to be feeling restless, which is really annoying since I really love and value my sleep. I’ve taken advantage of this three-day weekend and spent most of my time trying to clear my mind. Of course, my mind will never be totally clear, but I did my best, got some rest and am hoping this week will be much better.