Friday, September 18, 2009

I Am a Warrior

Once again my daily horoscope amuses me:

You want someone who's physically attractive, intellectually appealing and brave enough to handle your warrior spirit. All that needs to happen well before the hopeful applicant can even become remotely close to being invited into your heart. If you've already found someone who's up for the challenge, you'll let them know how much they're appreciated. If you haven't, you'll spend yet another day on the prowl -- but now, you might have some luck.

Too funny! Does this mean my Tom Welling look-a-like is hanging out at my local Starbucks?

That third quality is going to be the toughest one to find in a guy. I suppose "warrior spirit" really means stubborn as a donkey. Anyone willing to put up with my attitude, BS and most importantly, my crappy TV lineup deserves a medal.


  1. Shooting at the walls of heartache!

  2. LMAO! I totally forgot about that song. Excellent video! They really don't make them like that anymore. Ahhhh...still laughing. :)

  3. 5 hours later and I still have that song in my head!
