Friday, January 8, 2010

Not Quite Normal

One full week of the daily grind has come and gone and I'm still feeling slightly off balance. I'm finding it difficult to get back into my normal routine, but I suppose that's normal when you go from one extreme to the other. I went from being on vacation to sitting in front of a computer for eight hours, sunshine and normal temps to wind chills and snow, and PST to EST. I left my iPod home twice this week, spent most of the week tripping over my feet on my way to work, and found myself constantly running for the bus. I don't think I've been able to actually get in the shower before 8 or leave the house before 8:50. Yeah, you could say I'm still adjusting.

Tomorrow I have a baby shower to attend then at some point this weekend I'll need to do laundry. I feel like I spend most of my time doing laundry.

Lately I've been thinking about picking up a mindless second job. I figure the distraction might get me off the couch and out of fridge, plus the extra money can't hurt. The only thing stopping me is letting go of the freedom I have with my time. Scheduling vacations would be a pain and I'd probably be even more exhausted than usual. I guess I'll have to think about it a little more.


  1. I'm interested to find out about these mindless extra gigs you're looking into--CR

  2. I haven't really found anything that doesn't require much brain power. Maybe I should look into sleep studies. There must be one out there that pays OK.
