Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Booked & Ready to Go

I'm pretty proud of myself for making vacation plans before airfare skyrocketed. I did the research, put in my vacation time, got it approved fairly quickly and bought my ticket for the bargain basement price of $279. Yes, I'm pretty impressed with myself. Now all I need to do is make plans for when I'm in California, which by the way will be from December 18 to January 4.

The good news is that my family wants to take a trip up north the weekend after Christmas, so I may finally be able to see friends I haven't seen in ages. One of them is pregnant, so I'm hoping to get a glimpse of her baby belly. So exciting! In fact, while I'm home another friend is due to give birth and I hope I'm there when it happens. Last time her little buddle of joy timed it just right and made an appearance the day I was leaving. I actually got to see her hours before I boarded my plane.

I'm also really excited to see the changes my mom made to our house--new exterior paint, new flooring, new toilets! Trust me, the place really needed these updates.

Then of course I can't wait to see all my favorite former coworkers, who of course are now dear friends. I don't think we could have stayed in touch all these years if they were merely people I used to work with once upon a time. Every year I make it a point to try to get together with them for lunch or dinner when I go home for Christmas. It's kind of become some sort of tradition since I left. Thankfully, I don't have to sneak into the old office to see them since they've all been able to escape its clutches.

Disneyland is also on the agenda this year. My sister has an annual pass, so she has kindly offered to pay for my ticket as a Christmas treat. Unfortunately, she's going to do everything in her power to get me on Space Mountain. In case you didn't know, I hate roller coasters. Can't stand them and I don't get the supposed rush that everyone gets from riding them. The feeling I get when my stomach drops and my heart starts racing is probably similar to that of someone suffering from a heart attack. I think it's the most horrible feeling ever! Oddly though, I'm perfectly OK with going on the Matterhorn and Splash Mountain. Yeah, I don't have an explanation.

I'm not all that excited about another year ending, especially so quickly, but I am looking forward to this 18-day vacation. Yes, I do have a crapload of vacation days and for that I'm very, very thankful.


  1. I'm dying for a chicken taragon sandwich and scones. How about you?

  2. Definitely! I hope they have the chocolate chip scones. Yum!
